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-上面说... -我记得我写了什么 - It said-- - I remember what it said.

熊岛不承认除北境之王外的任何君主 Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North

而北境之王出自史塔克家族 whose name is Stark.

罗柏死了 Robb is gone,

但史塔克家族还在 but House Stark is not.

而且比以往任何时候都更需要你的帮助 And it needs your support now more than ever.

我陪同我妹妹前来请求莫尔蒙家族的效忠 I‘ve come with my sister to ask for House Mormont‘s allegiance.

据我所知 你姓雪诺 As far as I understand, you‘re a癫痫失神发作的治疗 Snow

而珊莎小姐嫁进了波顿家 and Lady Sansa is a Bolton.

还是兰尼斯特家 Or is she a Lannister?

我听到过不同的说法 I‘ve heard conflicting reports.

我那么做只是为了活下去 小姐 I did what I had to do to survive, my lady.

但我是史塔克 我永远都是史塔克 But I am a Stark. I will always be a Stark.

你说了算 不管怎样 If you say so. In any case,

你不仅想要我效忠 还想要我麾下的兵士 you don‘t just want my allegiance. You want my fighting men.

不能任由拉姆斯·波顿占据临冬城 小姐 Ramsay Bolton canno银川哪家治癫痫#!好t be allowed to keep Winterfell, my lady.

我们必须阻止他 It is our duty to stop him.

更别提他还俘虏了我们的弟弟瑞肯·史塔克 Even more so because he holds our brother Rickon Stark as prisoner.

请你理解 小姐... What you have to understand, my lady, is that--

我理解的是我必须对熊岛 I understand that I‘m responsible for Bear Island

所有子民负责 and all who live here.

所以我为什么要打别人的仗 So why should I safice

牺牲莫尔蒙家族的人 one more Mormont life for someone else‘s 哈尔滨癫痫专科哪里好war?

插一句嘴 小姐 If it please, my lady,

我明白你的感受 I understand how you feel.

我不认识你 爵士 I don‘t know you, Ser...?

我是席渥斯家族的戴佛斯 小姐 Davos, my lady, of House Seaworth.

你无需向学士询问我的家族 You needn‘t ask your maester about my house.

很晚才有 It‘s rather new.

好吧 席渥斯家族的戴佛斯爵士 All right, Ser Davos of House Seaworth.

你如何明白我的感受 How is it you understand how I feel?

你从没想过会坐上这个位置 You never thought you‘d find yourself in your position.

如此年轻 就要为那么多人的性命负责 Being responsible for so many lives at such a young age.

我也从未想过会坐到现在的位置 I never thought I‘d be in my position.

我是捕蟹人的儿子 后来成了走私贩 I was a crabber‘s son, then I was a smuggler.

如今又在战争期间拜访一位 And now I find myself addressing the lady of a great house

名门望族的小姐 in time of war.

但我来的缘由在于 这并不是别人的仗 But I‘m here because this isn‘t someone else‘s war.

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