发布时间:2022-04-30 12:06:18
我现在真的不能去求雷米 I just can‘t go to Remy right now.
他已经拉拢了太多我的人 He‘s poaching too many of my people.
还有两位国会议员 I‘ve got two congressmen
仍然举棋不定 who will not commit.
我本来还指望你能跟他们谈谈 I was hoping you might speak to them.
都是谁 Who?
范德博格和艾布拉姆斯 Vanderburgh and Abrams.
你想让我跟他们说什么 What is it that you want me to say to them?
他们很重视环保 They‘re big on the environment.
他们觉得那项法案没多大用处 They don‘t think the bill goes far enough.
他们尊重你的意见 They respect your opinion.
我希望你能逐条讲解一下法案 I wanted you to walk them through the bill step-by-step.
让他们放心我得说服他们投赞成票 Put them at ease. I need to get them in the yes column.
明天我先跟他们碰面敲打敲打他们 I meet with them tomorrow. I‘ll deliver the bruises.
之后你再去安抚一下 You meet with them later and patch them up.
软硬兼施估计能管用 That might just do the trick.
没问题 Of course.
我好像把碗打碎了 I think I broke the bowl.
我们因为石油交易和那边有联系 We have contacts there through our oil interest.
我需要政府的干预 治疗儿童癫痫的专家I‘m going to need government intervention.
有政府的地方我们就有人脉 Wherever there‘s a government, we know people.
哪怕只是个不成形政府 Even when there‘s only the illusion of a government.
你会帮我吗 Will you help me?
我很愿意 I‘d like to.
但办这么大事可是要花钱的 But for something like this, I‘m afraid there‘s a price tag.
净水计划会为桑科做环保认证 The C.W.I. will endorse Sancorp as eco-friendly.
他们可以在任何公关和营销材料上 They can use our logo on any PR
使用我们的标志 or marketing materials you want.
这可不够 We‘ll need more than that.
他们之前肯为这些捐一百多万 They were willing to donate over a million for that.
那些滤水器只有二十万 These filters are only worth $200,000.
这已经很划算了 I‘d say that‘s a bargain.
可你拒绝了那笔钱 You turned down that offer.
现在形势已经不同了 Landscape has shifted since then.
-流域法案-没错 - The watershed bill? - That‘s right.
你要我修改法案吗 You want it amended?
我要你让法案流产 I want you to kill it, the whole thing.
净水计划已经公开支持这项法案了雷米 C.W.I. has publicly backed the bill, Remy.
明面上的事我不管 What you do publicly is your concern.
先生们请坐 Gentlemen. Please, have a seat.
我们上次谈话之后你们改主意了吗 So have either of you changed your mind since we last spoke?
我们还没拿定主意弗兰克 We‘re still undecided, Frank.
倾向赞成还是反对呢 Leaning one way or the other?
如果国会要注资2.5亿美元 If congress is going to allocate a quarter billion dollars,
我们希望这笔钱能投到 we want to make sure it goes towards a
更有利于环保的... bill that does more to protect the...
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