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Emily: I’m not going into that house. It’s supposed to be haunted.

Stephen: Come on. Don’t be a coward. You don’t believe in ghosts, do you?

Emily: I don’t, but I’m not taking any chances武汉那家治疗癫痫病好ong>. Just look at that house! It’s spooky. I’m getting goosebumps just looking at it.

Stephen: You’re only freaking out because you’ve watched too many horror movies. It’s just a house. Now, come北京癫痫病重点医院 on!

Emily: Why are we doing this anyway? Just because your friends dared you to go in doesn’t mean you have to. This is stupid!

Stephen: I took the dare and I told them I’d spend the night in that house. If you’re a scaredy cat, you can go home right now.

Emily: And let you go in there by yourself? What kind of girlfriend would I be? I’m scared to death, but I’m not going to chicken out. Okay, let’s go before I change my南京哪里治疗癫痫 mind.

Stephen: Really? I didn’t think you’d have the nerve. You’re braver than I thought. Don’t worry. Nothing in there can hurt us.

Emily: Famous last words!

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