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简单起司三明治 的做法_简单起司三明治 怎么做_简单起司三明治 的家常做法_陈义汉【心食谱】

Bread 2片pc,Chaddar 1片pc,Salted 1大匙tbsp.

1、平底锅用中小火热锅.Heat up the nonstick skillet over medium-low heat.

2、将奶油抹上两片吐司福州癫痫权威专科医院的各其中一面. Put salted butter on one side of the bread for both bread.

3、第一片吐司, 有奶油面向下放进平底锅中, 铺上起司, 再将第二片吐司奶油面向上, 叠在起司上. (English instruction below) Put the buttered side of the bread on the skillet; lay on cheese, and then the second bread with the buttered side up.

4、用锅铲轻轻将三明治向下压扁. 煎约3-5分钟 . Press the sandwich slightly. Cook until golden on the bottom, 3 - 5 minutes.

5、翻面, 再煎3-5分钟. 或直到吐司稍微焦黄或起司融化.Flip, and cook until the other side is golden and the cheese melts, 3 to 5 more minutes.


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